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Thursday, 11 March 2021

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development “On approval of the Procedure of competitive selection of independent experts”

On February 15, 2021, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has registered the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development "On approval of the Procedure of competitive selection of independent experts" -

In developing this regulation, the Ministry of Economic Development was assisted by a team of World Bank consultants consisting of Ms. Nataliya Biletska (Senior Public Sector Specialist), Mr. Ian Hawkesworth (Senior Governance Specialist), Mr. Bruno de Cazalet (Senior PPP Consultant), Ms. Irina Zapatrina (Senior Consultant).

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

The new article “Unsolicited Proposals: New Realities in COVID Times” in EPPPL

The new article «Unsolicited Proposals: New Realities in COVID Times» of Iryna Zapatrina has been published in “European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review” -

Read article

Tuesday, 07 July 2020

Step-in-Right Procedure has been approved by the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine had approved the Decree № 541 "On approval of the Procedure for replacement of a private partner (concessionaire) under an agreement concluded within a public-private partnership (concession agreement)" on July 1, 2020.

The team of the World Bank consultants consisting of Ms. Nataliya Biletska (Senior Public Sector Specialist), Mr. Ian Hawkesworth (Senior Governance Specialist), Mr. Bruno de Cazalet (Senior PPP Consultant), Mr. Grant Hauber (Senior PPP Consultant), Ms. Irina Zapatrina (Senior Consultant) assisted in the development of this Decree based on the best international practice.

Tuesday, 07 July 2020

PPP legislation is being updated in Ukraine with the assistance of the World Bank

After approval of the Law of Ukraine "On Concession" and amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Public-Private Partnership" the Cabinet of Ministers approved a new version of the procedure for analyzing the effectiveness of public-private partnership and the procedure for determining a private partner for public-private partnership in forms , other than the concession. The team of World Bank consultants (Ms. Nataliya Biletska, Senior Public Sector Specialist; Mr. Ian Hawkesworth, Senior Governance Specialist; Mr. Bruno de Cazalet, Senior PPP Consultant; Mr. Grant Hauber, Senior PPP Consultant; Ms. Irina Zapatrina, Senior Consultant) assisted in the development of these pieces of legislation based on the best international practice.

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

On 16 December 2019 in Hyatt Regency Hotel (Kyiv) took place a conference “Public-Private Partnership for Growth and Overall Prosperity, organized by the Ministry for Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine with the support of the World Bank, IFC and UK Aid

The Chairman of the Board of the Center, Irina Zapatrina has participated in the panel discussion during Session 4 "The Importance of Institutional Coordination and General Management to Reduce Risks and Ensure Transparency".


Thursday, 12 December 2019

On December 12, 2019, All-Ukrainian Congress of Patients took place in Kyiv

The Chairman of the Board of the Center Irina Zapatrina has participated in the Conference "Advocating for the interests of road accidents: accessibility, quality, safety of medical care. Legal Aspects” within the Congress and delivered a presentation “Sustainable Development Goals as a New Paradigm for Society Development in Ukraine”.

Wednesday, 04 December 2019

On 3-4 December 2019 in Geneva (Switzerland) took place the Third session of the Working Party on Public-Private Partnerships of the UNECE Committee on Innovation, Competitiveness and Public-Private Partnerships

The Chairman of the Board of the Center Iryna Zapatrina has participated as a speaker representing Ukraine in Session 1 “Identifying People-first pilot projects for the low and middle-income countries” on the 1st day of the event.

geneva dec 2019

Friday, 01 November 2019

On October 30 - November 2, 2019 in Istanbul (Turkey) took place Istanbul PPP Week

The Chairman of the Board of the Center Irina Zapatrina took an active part in the event. On October 21, she gave a lecture on "State support in the framework of PPP on emerging markets", and on November 1, she participated in a panel discussion at the 4th PPP Summit.







01133, Kiev, Kutuzova street 18/7, office 305,



